Monday, October 26, 2015

pet peeves

Things that make me mad are when you touch me or my belongings without permission. also when
People are way to loud for no reason like chill out. when people have accuse me of things i haven't even done and stays mad for petty reasons. sarah is a pet peeve. i hate when people try to be funny by whispering something likes no you're not funny.

Ok so i like this guy and sarah decided she wanted to be funny so she liked all his pictures on instagram without telling me. so i got really upset and started yelling at everyone and not talking to nobody but i got over within the day.

Friday, October 23, 2015

RuPert's story

Rupert was a clever guy. He ate and watch a lot of bill nye. When ever his friends were in a kerfuffle. He helped them out with a quick little shuffle. Now one day Rupert had an issue. He couldn't find his government tissue. he wanted to supply his friends with some juice. But couldn't find the right tennis shoes. he looked and searched through out the house. He didn't even find his mouse. He looked high and low. He couldn't find them how hard he tried. once he looked under his bed. guess what he found instead. Caprice-sun and mountain dew for his friends. To have a great big part for ted. So all was well that ended well. Until the next time Rupert belled.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


i lite way like this school year because of the whole robotics thing and and i'm glad i have Spanish still because that is the  easiest class i have. The first quarter is the only quarter i really care for and the only quarter i actually do good in. I like that i have classes with my friends but some times its a little annoying because you want to talk to them but you also have to do your work. To be honest even though i have a c im happy with my grades.

Friday, September 25, 2015


        To be honest i like the robotics class. My partner, Dayjah and I, get along swimmingly since we been doing our work together since last year. also i would take longer and more time to build this robot alone or at least in my case. I was really surprised that they let us start building right away, i thought they was gonna lecture us first. So on Monday we were summoned to the gymtorium or whatever, and Mr.Juli said he blah blah blah then the robotics teacher said his intro and then they said pair up which i did before we even went down stairs. I really think our robot is gonna be backwards but oh well. I'm glad we have this class because one we get college credits plus elective credits at the same time. Also almost everything in manufacturing is robotically made so we are learning to survive in the 21st century. I most like;y won't go into this field but at least i have some basic skills.

       Soooo i guess the teachers and student teachers didn't care about dayjah and i because nobody came to huelp us after we asked for help like thirty times. but we persevered. we actually made a lot of progress, we already put on four wheels or all the wheels. we just have to asemble the wires and remote controls. But altogether its going well.

Friday, September 18, 2015

el ontono

I have a lot of reasons why i like fall and a lot of reasons why i dislike it. 3 reasons i dislike autumn because its so freaking cold but then the sun be shining and that's just a head ache right there. another reason is because leaves i like it when the leaves crunch under my feet but when it rains and the leaves are wet and sticky that's just annoying. Also i hate that Halloween is all season like common now keep it to one month at least, i hate scary stuff cause i'm a wimp. I really like fall because obviously the colors, duh, also apple picking leads to apples for weeks ( apples are my favorite fruit). Lastly i like fall because my mom likes to by heavy clothes ( she loves sweaters) so my wardrobe is my flexible.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


So i don't have a favorite song i have three artist that i really really like and i guess they have influence my life. First is the weeknd i like him because he songs are so chill but at the same time you want to get up and dance. Second is Kendrick Lamar because his music isn't about the corny stuff other rappers are talking about. and third just like Kendrick, logic talks about the stuff that happens in his life not the stupid famous life stuff more like the stuff that happens after you get famous with your family and loved ones and how it effects them. So really i don't have a favorite song more like artist.

Friday, September 4, 2015


In the link above is 7 stories about whats been going on around the world. Its really crazy how i'm over here complaining that im hot when little 3 years old are drowning just to get to safety. How we worry about the internet being down and children are running threw the street naked after their hiding place was found by the other army. It really upsets me when I heard that an Iraqi prison are torturing people but the kicker is that american's are in charge of the prison. It makes me question people mindset and who we put in charge to take "care" of us and keep us "safe". You really don't know how good you have it till someone shoves it in your face. what exactly is the point of war?

Thursday, September 3, 2015


You ever find a song that's like so awesome but you don't say awesome because it not cool but it like you can relate to the song so much and when ever its on you just get this warm feeling inside. Yeah I feel that way right now. I really like songs that you can turn up too and chill with at the same time. Artist who can do both with their music are so awesome. I'm really late when it comes to music like I just found out I really like Childish gambino and Logic who both came out years ago. If I were to ever make a song it would probably be like a dance song or should I say club song; I don't know.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


My life as a photographer was kind of forced because i can'ts get a bus pass so i go to newbridge. At newbridge i was kind of forced to take photography too i didn't want to be in the same class as my sister which is ceramics. I couldn't be in music because i'm not really lyrical and i cant sing or rap. and i really didn't want to be in graphic design because i cant draw. so photography seem like the only choice. in photography i had friends and many teachers mostly because no one would stay ( either no time or child related or both).
i like photography but i really look at it as a hobby i do some of the time. i brought my first camera off of ebay it came this month actually a week before school started my first pictures were just to test it but i really like it except for when it acts crazy with the sd card. i'm hoping to be the school photographer. but really i bought it to feel important at newbridge. and im out.